
April 01, 2019 Visit Bella Vista

Saturday, May 18th, 2019 - 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Bella Vista History Museum 

Dale Phillips, the new VP of the Bella Vista Museum, will be restarting the popular history driving tours of Bella Vista, formerly done by Xyta Lucas. The first tour is scheduled for Saturday, May 18th. Participants will be asked to meet at the museum at 12:30 pm and will carpool from there, getting back around 5 pm. Cost is $15/person or $25 for two. Payment is due the day of the tour. and space will be limited. If you are interested, we have started a list which is located in the museum office. We will contact you once the date is set. Stop by when the museum is open (1-5 pm Wed-Sun) to put your name on the list.


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